Home Funny Welcome aboard, Mom! Mother is visibly moved when she discovers her son...

Welcome aboard, Mom! Mother is visibly moved when she discovers her son is to be her pilot

Welcome aboard, Mom! Airline passenger shocked and overwhelmed with joy when she realizes her son is the plane’s pilot

Parents are typically always very proud of their children, and will never miss an opportunity to openly show their pride in their offspring to anybody. It is a great satisfaction to know, years later, that one has raised children who have not only achieved excellent results in the workplace, but who have also become responsible and generous adults. In short, there is no greater satisfaction for a parent than knowing that they have raised a good child!

That way, a child becomes the top priority. Following this fact, when they grow up and get their most significant achievements, the parents feel fulfilled and celebrate as their own.

This is demonstrated by the story that happened with a Colombian mother. Well, after a long time he was reunited with his son in the place where he had always wanted to be since he was little.


The mother and son had not seen each other for a long time. This is because he was focused on finishing his training and starting his career as a pilot.

A mother was filmed as she boarded a plane, unaware that the pilot of her flight was … her son!

The lady was very calm starting to board a flight. But when he started to move down the hall, he became aware of a presence that completely shook his heart.

The woman walks calmly with her bag and suitcase and, as she prepares to board the plane, she sees her son there to welcome her. Her eyes widen and light up in her amazement, and then she covers her face in emotion – perhaps to hide tears of joy.

Her reaction to seeing her son is wonderful because she clearly shows the feelings of amazement she had finding out that he was to pilot her plane. It goes without saying that with the pilot being her son, this mother felt particularly safe throughout the flight!

This is how the mother today can say that this was one of the happiest days of her life. Well, not only did he hug his son again, but he also fulfilled the dream of traveling in a plane piloted by him.

The viralization of the video between the pilot and his mother

All the passengers and the crew witnessed the magnificent reunion. That was how they decided to record a TikTok so that Internet users could also get excited about this pleasant situation.

Because of that, the recording in a short time had a great number of positive reactions and comments. Among them, the most frequent message was that those are the moments that remain etched in the heart of a mother and a child forever.

It is easy to see from the video how surprised the mother was by being greeted by of one of the most special people in her life, and it is perhaps because her reaction so genuine and sincere that the video has attracted so many views and positive comments.
