Home Funny When this insect lands on you, BE CAREFUL. Here’s what the Universe...

When this insect lands on you, BE CAREFUL. Here’s what the Universe is trying to tell you

Have you ever had a praying mantis land on your shoulder and wondered what it could mean? For centuries, many cultures have bestowed spiritual significance to these mystical insects.

Superstitions, theories, and folk beliefs abound regarding their presence in our lives, but what is the true meaning behind their arrival?

In this blog post, what does it mean when a praying mantis lands on you and ultimately provide insight into how we can learn from these unique beings?

So whether you or someone else has encountered a praying mantis, join us as we dive deep into all that comes with it.

What a praying mantis symbolizes

The praying mantis has been an iconic symbol of curiosity, focus, and faith throughout many cultures. The species’ characteristic pose, with hands upraised as though in prayer, has been the source of the insect’s name.

The praying mantis is seen as a representation of spirituality due to its seemingly contemplative nature and its association with patience and prayerful observation.

For example, it is said that the praying mantis is able to observe things in its surroundings with intent without making a sound or movement; many philosophies look to the behavior of this species for guidance on how to be mindful and humble within one’s own life.

In Chinese culture, that same patient attitude also makes the praying mantis a strong symbol for wisdom. Altogether, the sweetly named insect serves as an inspirational reminder of spiritual growth and peace.

What Does It Mean When a Praying Mantis Lands on You?

1. Take care of your health

The heavens may have been seeing your poor disregard for your health and so it sends a message for you to take better care of your body.

The praying mantis that just landed is a message from the ones above that they may send you some serious illness if you do not start caring for your body.

Think then of the bad habits you may have and how you can improve your health.

2. Observe before you react

When a praying mantis lands on you, this could be heaven’s way of telling you to be more observant of everything around you.

If you have the habit of reacting first before looking at what’s around you, then you are being reminded to pay attention to your surroundings before you open your mouth to talk.

Too many times, we talk first before observing what is in front of us. People tend to react first before knowing the facts and later regret doing so.

If you are like this, then the praying mantis landing on you is a sign to observe before you react.

3. A homecoming

Is there someone in your family who has been estranged for a while?
Was there a close friend whom you have lost because of distance or disagreements?

Did your pet leave the home and seem to be missing for a while?
Have you or your relatives spent many years apart and can now barely recognize each other?

The praying mantis that landed on you could be a sign that there would soon be a homecoming.

4. A leadership role

When you have a praying mantis landing on you, then this is a sign from the universe that soon you will be assuming a leadership post. This could mean several things.

You may be getting a promotion at work or heading an important project at work. You will have several people working under you to be sure to wield your power responsibly.

You may also be elected to a post in your community. The praying mantis that landed on you is a sign that you need to do well in your leadership post as many in your community will benefit from your great leadership.

You may also be leading something in church and the praying mantis is the heaven’s way of telling you to do good for the glory of your creator.

5. Making ends meet

If you are a bit cash-strapped and wondering how to pay off your bills or buy food, and then you have a praying mantis land on you, then be happy.

This is the universe’s way of telling you to stop worrying as you will be able to make ends meet.

You can breathe a sigh of relief as the ones above are telling you that you will either have enough food on your table or sufficient cash to pay the bills.

The heavens are telling you that your basic needs will be met.

6. A spiritual release

The praying mantis could be a sign that you may soon be experiencing a spiritual release of some sort.

This means that you would be soon freed from your lies or stop committing the same sin.

You may also be breaking free from habits that may not be pleasing to the heavens.

The praying mantis that landed on you is a sign of becoming a more spiritual person.

7. Be more active in church

The praying mantis that landed on you could be a sign from the ones above of their displeasure for your lack of interest in church.

The supreme being may have been working on your heart to take a more active role in church but you refuse to heed this message.