Home relationship When Your Husband Defends Another Woman, What Does It Mean?

When Your Husband Defends Another Woman, What Does It Mean?

When Your Husband Defends Another Woman, What Does It Mean?

1. He agrees with her opinion and not with yours

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. It simply means that he agrees with her opinion, that’s all. Your husband may not realise that his actions affect you. So, tell him what is bothering you as soon as possible.

2. He wants to be a protector of women

Your husband is just like any other man. He is always trying to be on the side of women, even if they are not you. So, in a certain situation where a husband is defending another woman, his intention may be to “save” the other woman. And hurting his wife may not be something he anticipates.

3. Offend him

When a husband does not stand up for his wife, it may be that he is angry with his wife. His support for the other woman may indicate that he wants to hurt you back or get your attention.

4. He feels that you try to control him too much

One of the main reasons your husband may advocate for another woman is that he feels you are trying too hard to control him.

It has to be entirely his decision to love and respect her the way he wants to.

5. He does not respect you

If your husband defends everyone but yours, his behaviour seems worthy of disapproval. The behaviour shows absolute disrespect.

It is better if people do not argue with their partners in public. And never defend others against their partners in front of others.

6. He is being rude to you

Your husband may degrade you in front of others. He may call you names or destroy your self-esteem. What is even worse is that he willingly defends another woman instead of you.

7. He likes her more than you

If he sides with her more often than not, it might mean that he likes her more than you.

So, it’s best to have an honest conversation with him and see what’s going on. If he has feelings for some other woman, then you better pack your bags and leave.

8. He wants to sleep with her

I know this sounds harsh, but unfortunately, it’s a real thing and quite common in marriages.

However, before you discuss your problems with him and accuse him of adultery, make sure that he has actually cheated on you already.

9. Your marriage has become toxic

When your husband is actively defending you, the cause could be the state of your marriage. He is looking for a way to upset you and knows that defending another woman will do the trick.