Home Life Why don’t men want to give their wives salary?

Why don’t men want to give their wives salary?

Family financial management is always a “headache” for couples. How to spend, how to save, what effective way to invest… are the constant questions of couples, even if they have been married for a long time.

Normally in many families, wives will be the “keys” because they are resourceful, know how to care for their husband and children. But in many families, the husband is responsible for managing finances.

After getting married, did your husband give you his salary card? Would you be angry if he didn’t give it to you? Today we will discuss: What is the reason why men do not want to hand over their salary cards after marriage?

1. Worry about women spending money indiscriminately

Trust is the foundation of marriage. When a man is worried about his wife spending money carelessly and does not trust her, he will firmly not hand over his salary card.

Especially after marriage, women often have many expenses but do not know how to use money wisely. They can spend a lot of money on dresses, cosmetics, shoes, etc. This is truly the obsession of men, making them stressed every time they walk home.

The role of men is often that of the economic breadwinner. They want to have a good income to bring a happy life to their wife and children. And they also want their woman to truly be the “key holder” and a solid backstop to help them manage family finances.

2. Not finding common ground in spending

The reason why men do not want to hand over their salary cards may be because they are not consistent with their spending. They want to be independent of each other to avoid causing controversy. They also do not want to have many financial commitments.

But if you think carefully, even if a couple cannot find a common voice in managing expenses, they can easily disagree on many other issues such as life perspective, personality, habits, and parenting style. children,… In short, only when couples know how to think from each other’s position, be tolerant and understand each other, can they be more harmonious in everything.

3. Wanting to be the head of the family and wanting control

Both men and women have control instincts, but men’s desire to control is relatively strong. The more insecure a man is, the more he wants to control his finances and those around him.

So, that’s why many men don’t want to hand over their salary cards to their wives to manage. They want to be the head of the family, control family finances, and want their wives to be the center of their lives. They will feel really uncomfortable when buying a pack of cigarettes or drinking a cup of coffee and having to ask for money from their wives.

A woman who is gentle, knows how to nurture, and behaves properly will make her husband trust her and give her the task of “handling the keys”. However, when handling her husband’s salary and card, the wife needs to pay attention to her husband’s feelings and not be too controlling or strict.

If the wife has done all of the above well but still cannot win her husband’s trust, it may be because the husband values ​​money too much or does not love his wife enough.