Home News Woman Posted On Facebook How Her Mother Treated This Old Veteran.

Woman Posted On Facebook How Her Mother Treated This Old Veteran.

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My Mom asked me to run to the store today with her so she could get groceries for the weekend. I obliged to keep her company.

I am believing God wanted me to go with her too, which is probably why didn’t hesitate. I got to witness a little bit of His will in my mother’s heart.

The gentleman she is standing with is a Vietnam Marine Veteran. He said hello to us, we thanked him for his service and we were about to move on. Peering into his basket and the upset look on his face it was obvious he needed some help. Mom and him exchanged some words and she directed him to get in line with us.

He told us he was a drill sergeant in the Marines and “kept those boys in line” and how he was a part of rescuing Senator McCain. So cool. History!!! Also that he’s 68 and doesn’t look it! 😊

When he finally realized mom was going to pay for everything he started to cry which made me start crying so I had to turn away. He was so greatful.

When we left he hugged us both, thanked us for our kindness and for God sending us his way. God is good.

As I reflect…it breaks my heart so many people ignored him. Why? This man was all smiles and kindness. Sometimes people need to look up, look past what’s right in front of them, and grab that opportunity to help, even if it’s a simple “Thank you for your service.” Or a smile.

Share this happiness. Change it up from the sorrow, anger, hopeless posts that have been circulating. Show the world there is value in individuals. There is love. There is hope. There is kindness.

Today God touched my heart and she showed that whole store just what a little kindness will do.

God bless our Veterans. All our military. All Americans. God bless the world and keep the kindness and love shining through their hearts.

Source: Facebook