Home Celebrity Prince William is “beside himself” as Kate Middleton supposedly considers terrible decision...

Prince William is “beside himself” as Kate Middleton supposedly considers terrible decision with tremendous consequences.

According to a shocking new story from RadarOnline, Kate Middleton is considering leaving her royal duties entirely.

The revelation is believed to come from a Palace source, who allegedly informed the National Enquirer that, while the Princess of Wales hasn’t made a firm decision yet, the relentless pressure of royal life has taken a toll on her.

As a result, Kate’s return to royal life has been pushed again, following her departure from the spotlight in January due to a “planned abdominal procedure”.

Given the duration of Kate’s recovery after surgery (the Palace stated early on that her homecoming would not be before Easter), it is widely assumed that her condition is serious.

That, combined with the Royal Family’s normal lack of information sharing, has resulted in a storm of conjecture that the Palace has been desperately attempting to control.

Their cause was scarcely helped this weekend when the first official portrait of Kate Middleton, intended to commemorate Mother’s Day in the UK, was pulled by numerous news agencies amid suspicions that the image had been “manipulated”.

Kate later admitted to having self-edited the photo in question, but the fact remains that there have been enough questions about the Princess of Wales’s whereabouts and well-being over the last two months to ensure that very few people, if any, are willing to take the Palace at their word when they say everything is fine.

In any case, according to the aforementioned RadarOnline article, Kate is now debating whether or not to completely step away from her royal duties, a decision that has strained her marriage to Prince William, the heir to the throne.

“Kate’s desperate struggle with the constant pressures of life in the royal fishbowl has clearly taken a terrible toll on her physical and mental health,” a senior palace source is quoted as saying in the National Enquirer.

“She spent weeks staying out of the public eye after her operations — and it’s only strengthened her resolve to quit,” the source continued.

The same source went on to reveal that William is “beside himself” over the idea that Kate might want out.

“William is beside himself over her decision,” the source said. “He’s stunned his wife could ever consider such a move.